What Do I Eat When Doing Insainty?

Article Written By:
Brian Monaghan

If you don't have never received the Insanity Elite Nutrition Plan, or you have lost it, Download here.

Want the 411 on INSANITY’s Elite Nutrition?  Here ya go, and it’s way simpler than P90X’s Nutrition!

 -40% Protein
-40% Carbs
-20% Fats
-Eat Often (5-6 Meals A Day)
-Ditch the Low Carb/Low Calorie Mindset
-You'll eat more than you expect
-Count every calorie

INSANITY is intense and demanding… and you will NEED to fuel your body properly.  Energy comes from carbs so the low/no carb thing won’t work here, neither will trying to go low calorie – calories are fuel.  There is a fairly complicated, but well explained and easy to follow, daily caloric need calculation in the beginning of the Elite Nutrition book, just plug in your weight, height and age and follow the formulas to determine the number of calories you need.  Once you do this the guide will give you lots of choices for your 5 daily meals (6 if you count the Results & Recovery Formula as a meal).

Some simple principles of INSANITY Elite Nutrition:
* Bigger meals in the morning, smaller as the day progresses (but they generally stay around the same calorie size)
* Carbs and sugars from fruit are best in the morning
* Eat at least 1 hour before your workout (if it’s less than an hour your body will be focused on
digestion, not the workout)
* Stick with lean proteins (skinless poultry, lean red meat and pork, cold water fish)
* Whole grains are a good carb source

So here’s a quick example… if you’re target calories per day is 2500 then you should shoot for 5 meals
a day, each about 500 calories – the INSANITY Elite Nutrition guide will walk you through planning
each one and gives tips for reducing or raising the calories based on YOUR needs.  There’s even a great substitute section in the end if you don’t like some of the food choices.  Read it, follow it, use it and you’ll have lots of great meals throughout your 60 day INSANITY experience… stay active and it’s a great guide for nutrition long after you’ve finished INSANITY.

It’s simple and easy to understand and you don’t have to worry about things like bread and pasta (provided you’re going with whole grain… remember, white = processed = bad!  white rice, white bread,
regular pasta are all processed, so still with whole wheat or whole grain).

Got more questions?  Hit me up!  That’s what I’m here for