Working Out While Traveling Using P90x

If you have to travel a lot for work, it can be very hard to stick to a workout program. It is difficult to get your workout in and also manage to eat healthy meals. In this post, I'm going to share with you how I manage to get my workouts in on the road as well as get in healthy meals.

The hardest part when traveling is eating healthy. Most people when they travel eat most of their meals out at restaurants. Doing this every night takes its toll and can pack on the pounds pretty quickly. I'm here to show you that you can keep up with your diet and not have to sacrifice all the hard work you have put in already.

Tip #1-Don't Eat Fried Foods. Deep fried foods are one of the worst foods for our health. They are loaded with hydrogenated oils that literally clog up our arteries and cause weight gain.

Tip #2-Stay Away From White Bread. White bread is bad on the body’s metabolism. This is retarded causing reduced efficiency in digestion and greater fat storage, which is more often than not accumulated around the belly. In fact, this is one of the main reasons why weight loss is so difficult for people who continue to eat white bread.

Tip #3-Stay Away From The Soda and Soft Drinks. When you go out to the restaurants, instead of ordering soda, order a water. Soda is high in empty calories and very high in sugar. A recent study on showed that there was a 41% increase in risk of being overweight for every can or bottle of diet soft drink that a person consumes each day.

Tip #4-Have your food grilled. Grilled meats have a reduced fat content. This is because the fat drips off as the food cooks. It results in healthier meals and makes it easier to manage a low fat diet. Grilled foods also have lower calorie content than fried foods. This helps in weight management and keeping fit.

Tip #5-Lower your Alcohol Consumption. Pure alcohol contains about 7 calories per gram, which makes it nearly twice as fattening as carbohydrates or protein (both contain about 4 calories per gram) and only just under the caloric value for fat (9 calories per gram). This means that if you want to lose weight and reduce excess body fat, alcohol is not a good choice.

Ok. Now its time to address the second problem with traveling. How do I do my P90x from my hotel room? The answer is to buy a set of P90x resistance bands. They are really easy to pack in your suitcase, and they work just as good as a set of dumbbells.

If you have a laptop, you can just bring your P90x DVD's and pop them right into your laptop. There is enough room in most hotel rooms to get a great workout. Traveling is no longer an excuse not to workout. If you want to get that killer body, follow these tips, and don't forget to Bring It!

Coach Geoff