The Importance of The P90x Recovery Formula
While enjoying his vacation in France, Top Beachbody Coach of 2010, Josh Spencer got a chance to sit down and talk with nutrition and fitness expert, Steve Edwards. Steve had helped develop a lot of Beachbody's top fitness programs over the years. He recently had a chance to contribute to their latest workout program, P90X2, which will be out later this year. One of the topics that the two got to discuss was the P90x recovery drink and why it was so important to take it after working out.
Do you have to take the recovery drink after every workout? Not if you are doing a low intensity cardio session or a light workout like X-Stretch. During an intense workout where you are bringing it with all you have, you are going to have to give those muscles what they need. After an intense workout, you have a small window of about an hour to give your muscles the right combination of sugars, glutamine, creatine, protein, and arginine. If your muscles do not get this, they will not be able to grow, and they will actually start to breakdown, slowing your overall progress.
The recovery formula helps your muscles recover faster, which will lead to you not being sore after your workouts. Your muscles won't feel completely weak and you won't feel exhausted after your workout. Taking a post recovery formula is very important for your progress, and getting the body you deserve. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to hit me up at
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