How Greg Escaped Being A Young Walking Heart Attack

Shortly after his 36th Birthday, Greg was give a not so pleasant gift from his Doctor. The gift was being the youngest walking heart attack his Doctor has ever seen. Greg was in seriously bad health, and he was so ashamed that he could no longer look himself in the mirror. He was very depressed, and had seriously considered suicide on multiple occasions. One day while watching the P90x Infomercial like he had done so many time, he decided enough was enough. It was time to make a change!

The first couple of times Greg did the workouts, they hurt. He was only able to do 5 push ups. While doing Ab Ripper X, Greg said he cried. Greg said "I don't know what possessed me to keep pushing play, other than Tony and his weird sense of humor." By using P90x, Greg was able to lose 87 pounds, and 13 inches off his waist. Thanks to P90x and Tony Horton, Greg was able to avoid an early Heart Attack, and at age 38, Greg says "For the first time, I feel alive. It's Amazing!"