About Me

Hey Everyone! First I would like to thank you for coming to my website, "I Want to Get Ripped". For those of you who don't know me, my name is Geoffrey Green, and I am an Independent Team Beachbody Coach. I am a Full-Time Coach, as well as a Nightclub Promoter here in Las Vegas. I live in a house with 4 other Beachbody Coaches, and we are on a mission to get people fit, healthy, and happy!

Most of my adult life, I have always been working out in the gym, and in decent shape. In 2008, me and my friends decided to make the move to Las Vegas all the way from Queens,New York, where I have lived my whole life. After about 2 years of drinking 5 nights a week and eating a diet of fast food, my weight had ballooned up to 230lbs. I was so embarrassed that I let myself get to that level. In 2010, I had one of the worst summers of my life. I was very depressed and most days didn't leave the house. I didn't want to go to the pools because I was the fat guy, and being by the pool is the place to be when it's over 120 degrees outside. It was during that summer that I vowed I would never spend another summer being out of shape and miserable.

At first I had no idea how I would do it. Searching the internet one day, I found out that I became a Beachbody Coach, I would receive 25% off of all of their products. I was very familiar with Beachbody products like P90x, Turbo Jam, and Hip Hop Abs. I've had lots of friends and family who have gotten fantastic results with their products. I had also been seeing their latest infomercial for a new workout called Insanity with Shaun T. that promised fantastic results. I decided in November 2010 that I would put Insanity to the challenge and see if I could really get ripped in only 60 days.

Everyday, I would wake up first thing in the morning, drink a Shakeology for breakfast and do my Insanity workout. I pushed myself through the hardest workout put on DVD. It was difficult and a couple of times, I actually quit. The thing that kept me coming back everyday was the fact that I was a Beachbody Coach, and how could I recommend a product that I couldn't even complete? I got through the 60 days, and I felt fantastic! I was down 20 lbs, I was more fit than I've ever been in years, and I had so much energy!

After the 60 days of Insanity were over, I still wanted to challenge myself. I was not as ripped as I wanted to be yet, plus I still had months to go before Pool Season in Vegas. I decided to commit to another 60 days of Insanity and lost 20+ more pounds and had the set of abs I've always wanted! In only 4 months I'd lost close to 50 pounds and almost 15% bodyfat. I feel young again and I'm in the best shape of my life, all thanks to Beachbody. Beachbody has helped me change my life, and now they allow me to make a living helping others change their lives.

My focus as a Beachbody Coach is to help the people I coach reach their goals. If you are interested in having me as your Free Online Fitness Coach, send me an email at coachgeoff1@yahoo.com

Bring It!!
Coach Geoff