Resistance Bands Review

Some common question I get from a lot of clients that I coach is whether they should buy resistance bands to do their workouts, and whether they can get amazing results with them. My answer to both of these questions are YES, and now I will tell you why.

One of the things I like most about resistance bands is that they are very portable. If you are in a profession where you travel a lot for work, it's nearly impossible to pack all of those heavy dumbbells into a suitcase. Resistance bands are a great alternative to dumbbells. You no longer have an excuse not to workout because resistance bands are easy to pack and they can go wherever you do.

Adjustable dumbbells are usually very expensive, but worth the investment if you can afford them. Resistance bands are a fraction of the price, and provide enough resistance to get a great workout. The resistance of a resistance band can range anywhere from 5-50 pounds, making it great for both women and men. You no longer need a set of dumbbells to get an amazing body. If you don't have access to a set of weights, I recommend you get a set of resistance bands.